Matthew 8:16-17: Many Demon-Possessed (and Sick)

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Matthew 8:16-17

There's not so very much to say about the actual healings; the text is pretty self explanatory: "he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick." Again, we see that he healed all, not just some, of the sick.

It is noteworthy that Matthew points us to the "Suffering Servant" in Isaiah 53:4 telling us Jesus fulfilled these verses by his actions. I have come across the argument that the verse in Isaiah refer only to healing of the soul, or "spiritual healing" (for example, here's one such). That is a hard stand to defend when Matthews' Gospel explicitly identifies the verses with physical healing. I guess you could do it, but arguing that physical healing is what Isaiah was speaking about—or at least included in it—is a significantly easier case to build.
