About Me
I live in Colorado and have three wonderful adult children, one of whom is in college and still lives at home. I have a Master of Arts in Theology from Fuller Seminary. I was saved at age 13, in 1979. For nine years, I was a missionary with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and have worked in Christian non-profit organizations since 1991. I currently work in IT at a large organization that I won't name here because my beliefs about healing do not fully align with the theological tradition of that organization.
My interest in healing was reignited because of my late wife's cancer, and I have been studying it seriously for a few years now. However, I am learning about healing, so I would value your thoughts on that subject. Please post comments and/or questions if you have any (on this or any other page). My thinking has changed over time as I have been writing this blog, but if you find two posts that disagree with each other, you can safely assume the one that seems more radical is the more recent of the two.
My favorite teacher on the subject of healing in Jesus' name is a pastor named Art Thomas. You'll find links to some of his books and videos on this site.
There are a couple of pages on this site that are just my own musings. Those pages are not linked to directly from the main page but are listed here:
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