Healings in Matthew

Matthew 4:23-25: Jesus heals many
Matthew 8:1-4: The healing of the leper
Matthew 8:5–13: Healing the centurion's servant
Matthew 8:14-15: Peter's mother-in-law
Matthew 8:16-17: Many demon-possessed (and sick)
Matthew 8:28-34: Two demoniacs and the pigs
Matthew 9:1-7: Jesus forgives and heals a paralytic
Matthew 9:18-29: A hemorrhaging woman is healed and Jesus raises a dead girl
Matthew 9:27-31: Two blind men are healed
Matthew 9:32-43: A mute demonic
Matthew 9:35: Jesus heals every disease and sickness
Matthew 12:9-14: A withered hand
Matthew 12:15: Jesus healed them all
Matthew 12:22-24: A demonized, blind and deaf man is healed
Matthew 14:14: Many are healed
Matthew 14:34-36: Many sick are healed
Matthew 15:21-28: The Canaanite's woman's daughter is healed
Matthew 17:14-21: A boy with seizures is healed
